Q1 SkyPoint Climb, Gold Coast, Queensland © Tourism Australia

Australian time zones

Frequently asked questions

Australia is divided into three separate time zones:

  1. Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
  2. Australian Central Standard Time (ACST), and
  3. Australian Western Standard Time (AWST)

AEST is equal to Coordinated Universal Time plus 10 hours (UTC +10)

ACST is equal to Coordinated Universal Time plus 9.5 hours (UTC +9.5)

AWST is equal to Coordinated Universal Time plus 8 hours (UTC +8)

Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) covers the eastern states of QueenslandNew South WalesVictoriaTasmania and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). AEST is equal to Coordinated Universal Time plus 10 hours (UTC +10)

Australian Central Standard Time (ACST) covers the state of South Australia, the town of Broken Hill in western New South Wales and the Northern Territory. ACST is equal to Coordinated Universal Time plus 9.5 hours (UTC +9.5).

Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) covers the state of Western Australia. AWST is equal to Coordinated Universal Time plus 8 hours (UTC +8).

In the Australian summer, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and the ACT turn their clocks forward one hour to Daylight Saving Time (DST). Daylight Saving Time begins at 2am (AEST) on the first Sunday in October and ends at 3am (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) on the first Sunday in April.

New South Wales, ACT, Victoria and Tasmania move from AEST to Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT), UTC +11. South Australia and the New South Wales town of Broken Hill move from ACST to Australian Central Daylight Time (ACDT), UTC +10.5.

Daylight saving is not observed in Queensland, the Northern Territory or Western Australia.

The International Date Line crossing the Pacific Ocean changes the date by one day. If you cross the date line moving east, you subtract a day; if travelling west you add on a day (with local variations). Travelling direct from Los Angeles or London to Australia you arrive two days later; travelling back, you arrive the same day you departed.