西澳州庫吉的Coogee Common©Samuel David@marcelvibes


西澳州Coogee Common的用餐區©Samuel David@marcelvibes

西澳州珀斯的Coogee Common©Samuel David@marcelvibes

@Le Rebelle

Instagram image

Crab toast cravings? Spots available for lunch today... book in for a late lunch! ​ ​Book via link in bio #lerebelleperth

6 Feb

珀斯Wildflower餐廳的阿布羅柳斯群島(Abrolhos Islands)扇貝菜式©Wildflower


西澳州Long Chim庭院©State Buildings

西澳州Long Chim庭院©State Buildings 

西澳州珀斯Manuka Restaurant的菜式©Manuka

西澳州珀斯的Manuka Restaurant©Manuka 

西澳州珀斯的Lulu La Delizia©Jessica Wyld

西澳州珀斯的LuLu La Deliza©Jessica Wyld

一群朋友日落時分於Bib and Tucker Restaurant就餐©澳洲旅遊局

西澳州珀斯費裡曼圖的Bib and Tucker Restaurant©澳洲旅遊局

@Lions And Tigers

Instagram image

Way back when, in the opening months of @duckduckbrucefreo , the lovely folks at @urbanlistper sent a photographer to see us. It was our first media experience in our first business and she took some wonderful shots and soothed us as we hovered around awkwardly, repeatedly offering her more coffee. The stellar lady in question is @elleborgward and we couldn’t be happier, some 3 and a bit years later, to be able to hire her ourselves to come and take awesome photos of our second venture. This little beauty is our Kashmiri lamb tartare with smoked dahi and veggie ash, available as part of the chef’s choice or a la carte this evening. Our ever increasing waistlines can attest it is absolutely delicious. #lionsandtigersfreo #comingforyourtastebuds #indianinspired

23 Jan